The company principle of Prague is the collective conception. From the very beginning, the practice has believed in the virtues of exchange, crossing ideas, common effort, shared knowledge and enthusiasm. Prague studio believes in a socially engaged architecture. This approach is nourished by the numerous worldwide achievements made over the last forty years, and by a constant attention to the quality of public spaces and new uses.
Kreiramo moderne shopping centre i ugostiteljske objekte, prilagođene potrebama korisnika.
Stručnost u projektiranju i izgradnji stambenih zgrada, prilagođenih urbanom načinu života.
Gradimo solarne elektrane koje donose održiva energetska rješenja za budućnost.
Incredible as always. This guys have excellent taste,modeling, texturing & rendering skills. The design fits in with what I would perceive as being Icelandic, the high wooden roof design and linear slatted interior elements and colours.
Incredible as always. This guys have excellent taste,modeling, texturing & rendering skills. The design fits in with what I would perceive as being Icelandic, the high wooden roof design and linear slatted interior elements and colours.
Incredible as always. This guys have excellent taste,modeling, texturing & rendering skills. The design fits in with what I would perceive as being Icelandic, the high wooden roof design and linear slatted interior elements and colours.
Incredible as always. This guys have excellent taste,modeling, texturing & rendering skills. The design fits in with what I would perceive as being Icelandic, the high wooden roof design and linear slatted interior elements and colours.