I am final year Creative Computing student at Napier University in Edinburgh, working part time as a graphic designer. I also have a passion for 3D, especially environment art and hard surface modelling. I am proficient with many different tools, but my personal favourite is 3ds Max. I consider myself real-time rendering connoisseur. I also have great appreciation for digital sculpting. Selection of my most up to date works can be seen in the portfolio section.
Kreiramo moderne shopping centre i ugostiteljske objekte, prilagođene potrebama korisnika.
Stručnost u projektiranju i izgradnji stambenih zgrada, prilagođenih urbanom načinu života.
Gradimo solarne elektrane koje donose održiva energetska rješenja za budućnost.
Incredible as always. This guys have excellent taste,modeling, texturing & rendering skills. The design fits in with what I would perceive as being Icelandic, the high wooden roof design and linear slatted interior elements and colours.
Incredible as always. This guys have excellent taste,modeling, texturing & rendering skills. The design fits in with what I would perceive as being Icelandic, the high wooden roof design and linear slatted interior elements and colours.
Incredible as always. This guys have excellent taste,modeling, texturing & rendering skills. The design fits in with what I would perceive as being Icelandic, the high wooden roof design and linear slatted interior elements and colours.
Incredible as always. This guys have excellent taste,modeling, texturing & rendering skills. The design fits in with what I would perceive as being Icelandic, the high wooden roof design and linear slatted interior elements and colours.